Neon Moon Tattoo is located in the Flying Hills Shopping Center at
22 village center drive in Reading, Pennsylvania.
We are facing the front lot (where the big tower of signs is facing route 10 / morgantown road). We're above the men’s hair salon (the men's locker room). Go through the black gates and up the stairs, we're on the left. You’ll see the Neon Moon signs as soon as you’re in the front lot.
If you need any help finding us just call or text (610-655-7885).
Head to the BOOK page and choose your desired size and if you'd like it in color or black and grey. It will allow you to then choose a date, time, upload a reference, pay a non-refundable deposit, and enter all necessary info to request your date, as well as agree to our shop policies. You will receive an automated confirmation e-mail for your appt. right away once you finish the process. You will then receive a follow-up e-mail within 24 hours from the shop to confirm your appt. and possibly ask more questions to make sure we have everything we need to design your tattoo. If you have any questions prior to booking please reach out via the CONTACT page.
If you prefer to book a tattoo in person you will have to come in to the shop during a seasonal open house event (which we post on Facebook and Instagram) or you can come with a friend to their appt. and book your appt. while you're here. You will still need to pay your non-refundable deposit when booking in the shop. You can always try to swing by while we're here but if we're tattooing when you come by we won't be able to get up and chat while in session.
It's super easy to see exactly how much your tattoo will cost. Prices vary by size and whether you'd like your tattoo in black and grey or color.The BOOK page will allow you to book by size & color and shows the total flat rate price. Each appt. allots a certain amount of time needed to complete the tattoo and even if it takes a little more or less time, the total price remains the same. You simply pay a $100 non-refundable deposit when booking then you would pay the difference at the end of your appt, unless your tattoo is $100 or less, then you would owe nothing more.
Victoria will be doing your tattoo. She is the only artist at Neon Moon (for now). If you'd like to learn more about her head to ABOUT THE ARTIST to get to know Victoria :)
Neon Moon does not have set shop hours but rather a set schedule for booking availability. These are the time frames you will see when booking your tattoo appt. online.
Tuesday - Friday
11 am - 7 pm
10am - 4 pm
We are not always in the shop during these hours since we are a private studio and will usually not be in unless we are here for a previously scheduled appt. You can stop by if you'd like to try to catch us in between appts., but it's easier to get in touch via the CONTACT FORM or call or text 610-655-7885 to chat if you need. We are very responsive and we will get back to you quickly. We promise :)
This is rare, but it does happen once in a blue moon. We will always post on our Instagram story @NeonMoonTattoos if we have walk-in time available that day and we will state what time frame that we're in the shop and available to tattoo. You'd need to just swing by during the time frame indicated in the story to see if we still have time, so the sooner you come in after you see the story, the more likely we can fit you in the same day. We will not hold a time for you, just drop by so we can tattoo you right away. If we're tattooing the door is always locked to give everyone privacy and allow our artists to focus. So If we don't answer the door, please call or text 610-655-7885 so we can follow up with you once we're done tattooing or during a break in the session.
YES! Every Friday the 13th we will offer a flash sheet with several designs to choose from that will be discounted from our normal rates. It's highly recommended to book in advance on the BOOK page. You can stop in on any Friday the 13th to see if we have availability to fit you in. Keep in mind they usually sell out in advance, so it is better to book in advance if you can. If we can find room for you we will try our best to get you in if you're only hearing about this event on a Friday the 13th.
Go to the POLICIES page to read shop policies.
You will be required to agree to these shop policies when you book an appt.
We adhere strictly to these policies so please take them into consideration before scheduling an appt.
More often than not, your questions can be addressed via e-mail. You can get in touch with us via e-mail or fill out the Contact form on this website. Don't worry, we're very responsive via e-mail, so shoot us a message!
You can always call or text 610-655-7885 if you'd rather chat that way, just be aware that we don't monitor the shop phone or emails outside of shop hours.
Once we chat, if we decide you are in need of some in person assistance or we need to see your tattoo/area to be tattooed in person we will recommend an in-shop consult. Consults require a $100 non-refundable deposit. If you book your tattoo appt. during your consult at the shop your consult fee will carry over as your deposit for your tattoo. If you do not book a tattoo appt. during your consult the $100 will cover the cost for time spent honing in on your next tattoo idea or answering all of your questions about getting a tattoo in general.
Victoria began tattooing as an apprentice in 2020 and now tattoos full-time in her studio, Neon Moon Tattoo. Read more about her art career via the About the Artist page on this site.
We are no longer offering cover-ups or re-works of other artists' work. We want to focus all of our time on new work that is ours alone. This includes adding backgrounds / filler behind / between others work.
You may message us to talk about covering a piece that you have had laser lightened and is now very very light or nearly gone.
But we may still not be interested for now.
It takes an equal amount of time to draw your tattoo as it does to tattoo it so if you don’t get tattooed it can be a time-consuming and costly loss for the shop. Because of that, we will not draw your tattoo until you book an appt. If you’re concerned about your custom tattoo art for your appt. read the next few questions below to learn more about the drawing process and how you can alleviate any concerns you have.
You will see your custom tattoo art the day of when you arrive for your appt. This allows your artist to work efficiently and allows us both to make decisions about your tattoo without any other life distractions. Being able to view, absorb, and make any changes to your custom art for your own body the day you are receiving is the best and most efficient way for us to work together.
We will not trace another tattoo or art. Please do not book with this intention. We are totally open to new styles and techniques and will do our absolute best to capture everything you love and more in your reference art in a new design that’s made just for with our own twist. That's one of many things we love about tattooing - customizing it just for you. The only type of tattoo we will trace are tattoos that need to look exactly like the reference, such-as custom handwriting. If you book a tattoo expecting us to tattoo a reference image the exact way you found it online and decline the drawing we've created for you the day of, you will forfeit your deposit and your appt. will be cancelled.
Totally legit concern. 99% of the time when clients arrive to their appt. they are happier with what we have created than what they originally sent as a reference. Sometimes clients request small changes when they arrive and we can change them up on the spot to your liking. We won’t tattoo you until you are 100% sure of the design, size, color, and placement of your tattoo. If there are bigger changes to be made (longer than 15 minutes) we will treat your appt. as a consult and schedule you to get it tattooed on another date. If for some reason you are still not happy with the second drawing shown at your next appt. then we will not move forward with your tattoo and your original deposit will cover the cost of drawing time + the appt. times that were set aside for you.
---Tattoos We Offer *right now---
As always check out our most recent work to see what kind of work we're really into lately
---Tattoos We Do Not Offer *right now---
Our current offerings ebb and flow with our personal artistic goals.
Message us to see if what you're looking to get done is on the YES list currently.
If you’re looking for something and are not sure if we're the right fit, fill out the contact form to start a conversation. We might be super excited about what you're looking for even if it isn't on the list above.
We're always open to new ideas, too.
No. And we can't accept a parent as a legal guardian to sign off for you. You need to be able to sign the consent form for yourself and to do that you need to be a consenting adult which means you need to be 18 or older at the time of your appt. You may book up to 30 days in advance on the booking page and can get tattooed ON your birthday if you like. We do scan ID’s so please always bring your valid state issued ID or Driver's License to your appt. We need you to bring the actual ID and not a photo as we need to scan the barcode on the back. We do not allow anyone in the shop under the age of 18, this includes children and babies.
Not at the moment, and we don't sell body jewelry.
Absolutely! We create some awesome art on canvas and love to do murals of any size. We're open to other creative ideas as well, so shoot us your ideas! We especially love painting pet portraits, they're a fan favorite especially around the holidays. If you’re interested in custom artwork please reach out via the CONTACT page to discuss.
You will receive an aftercare sheet when you are done getting tattooed that includes detailed instructions. You will need to purchase ointment, liquid antibacterial soap, and unscented lotion (not sold in the shop). We do not offer any second skin/film type healing products at the moment but you are welcome to purchase products like those if you prefer to heal your tattoos this way at home.
Most of these products are costly and need to be applied and stay on the skin for at least an hour before your appt. and only last a short time. In our opinion, it could be harder to get through a tattoo once that wears off vs. going through the natural adrenaline / pain response stages your body goes through while getting a tattoo. We do try our best to tattoo you in a way that mitigates as much pain as possible. If you for some reason can't sit through your whole tattoo in one appt. we can always schedule you for a second session to finish it up. No worries, we all have off days.
We don’t offer pre-numbing products in the shop but we do have a lidocaine product that we offer often when doing lines and shading in the same appt. that most clients really enjoy and say it really helps take the edge off. We think tattoos are a mind over matter thing but it’s ok if you don’t feel that way about a tattoo you’re getting. If you’re concerned about pain and it will deter you from getting tattooed without numbing products, please do purchase some and use it. We'd rather you use something to get through even if it's not a perfect solution vs. not getting tattooed at all out of fear.
There are so many natural and free things we can do, such as; drinking water, limiting caffeine prior and during your appt., breathing exercises, stress management, communication, taking breaks, and more to help manage your pain and get you through as comfortably as possible.
As always, NO JUDGEMENT!
We will do our best to walk you through the process and be here for you.
You can do it!
If it is your first time getting tattooed or it is your first time getting tattooed in the shop then you may bring 1 support human (age 18+ only). We prefer for you to come alone for future appts but if you have anxiety issues or something of the sort feel free to bring someone. We know everyones' needs are different and we respect you for voicing those needs. Please ensure that you've notified your guest that they need to allow you and your artist to focus on your tattoo session and simply be there for support without distracting from the process.
Flash Tattoos
We offer special flash sheets periodically that feature tattoos that would be a bit cheaper than they would be if you booked a custom tattoo.
We also always offer discounted tattoos on Friday the 13th.
The Raffle + Referrals
You'll get a raffle ticket every time you get tattooed that enters you into the New Year's Eve raffle. You also get a raffle ticket when you refer someone to get tattooed at our shop. The more you get tattooed and refer others to us throughout the year, the more chances you have to win. We pull a winner on New Years Eve every year to win a tattoo, totally free!
If you experience ink loss in your tattoo, and don't plan to get another tattoo at our shop in the next few weeks, follow these instructions:
Wait until your tattoo has healed (3 weeks) and check out your tattoo. If you feel there are spots you'd like to have gone over again reach out via the CONTACT page to have us send you the link for an Additional Pass Appt.
You will be required to pay a fee for us to do another pass on your tattoo. This fee is $50, which covers the cost of ink and medical supplies to do your additional pass. If you have major ink loss due to poor after care or infection, you will incur an extra fee which will vary depending on your situation. Additional pass appts. must occur no more than a few weeks after your tattoo was done. If you wait months to let us know you had ink loss, you will be ineligible to book an Additional Pass Appt.
If you got a tattoo some time ago with us that needs some freshening up just e-mail us or fill out the contact form so we can come up with a plan / cost to refresh your tattoo.
Getting another tattoo anyway?
Save yourself the fee!
If you have only minor ink loss in one tattoo and plan to get another tattoo, you may book the new tattoo appt. and let me know when booking your appt. that you'd like me to go over a few areas to bring your tattoo back to life. This scenario incurs no extra fee and requires no special booking if the ink loss in minor and you're getting another tattoo the same day as we already have all the supplies out needed to go over your tattoo again.
Every once in a while parts of your tattoo ink may not look the way we would like after healing due to numerous factors. These factors may include; infection, allergic reaction to ink or products, poor aftercare, poor hygiene, being on certain medications, drugs, alcohol, smoking cigarettes, irritation, tight clothing, detergent, sun exposure, diet, being on an area that moves and bends, hydration, alternative stressors on the body, injury, scratching, sweat, lack of air flow, and much more - or a combination of several factors. You could follow aftercare instructions extremely well and still have an ink loss issue to no fault of your own. We do our absolute best to ensure we have applied your tattoo to the best of our ability with the goal being for it to look great when you leave, heal well, and last a lifetime on the first pass. We look closely and take the time to make sure lines, color, shading, and white highlights are applied in your skin to stay forever. Sometimes skin does not retain ink the way we would like. Some of these outcomes we can control, and some of them we cannot. Unfortunately, there is no way to pinpoint exactly why your tattoo didn't heal favorably, but we can do that additional pass to get it looking fresh again.
The best way to go about getting a sleeve is coming up with a general idea and style and just take it piece by piece. We can add background elements to each piece as we go and tie them together one by one giving you a finished sleeve look when it's done. We will not sketch or lay out an entire sleeve piece in advance. It's best to take it one piece at a time and have it organically flow from one to the next using background / similar elements. We will not line a whole sleeve out first and then do the shading/color later. We prefer to finish a section and then move on to the next.
Not right now. When we do apprentice someone we want it to be someone who has supported the shop for some time as a client. If you’re interested in apprenticing in the future start collecting tattoos now and get to know our shop and us so we can start on a solid foundation. You can always ask questions about getting into tattooing during your tattoo appt.
Be the first to know about sales, events, and more! This is especially great for those who feel they miss things on social media.